Things to Remember When Monetizing YouTube Videos

Today, the dominance of digital media is undeniably stronger than ever before. This is particularly evident on YouTube, the second biggest search engine presently. Many YouTubers now make millions of dollars on the platform, thanks to the vast money-making opportunities offered by YouTube.

Here are some of those opportunities that can really work well for you and complement your dedication:

YouTube Partner Program

YouTube Partner Program is the easiest way anyone can generate revenue from YouTube. It is ideal for those who are still intimidated to create and establish their own brand. However, it is important to note that the program is just currently available in select countries such as:

● US
● UK
● Argentina
● Australia
● Brazil
● Canada
● Czech Republic
● France
● Germany
● Ireland
● Israel
● Italy
● Japan
● Mexico
● Netherlands
● New Zealand
● South Africa
● Spain
● Sweden

If you are planning to join the YouTube Partner Program, remember that there are certain requirements you need to fulfill. Moreover, don’t expect to earn huge from the revenue sharing program. Eventually, you will have to rely on your own branding to become a big shot on YouTube.


YouTube Network

YouTube Network is the perfect resort for those who failed to qualify on the YouTube Partner Program. These networks enable you to better monetize your content. Make sure that you apply to joint networks that cater to your target audience and accommodate your niche. This way, you have greater chances of being selected to join.

YouTube Paid Content

YouTube Paid Content is a subscription-based service that allows you to to sell or rent your YouTube videos. The service is also open to YouTube channels. With this, you have the flexible opportunity to devise and modify your own terms of service and/or terms of use. It’s really convenient but it requires more in-depth experience.


This opportunity is best for those who create high-quality music videos. By putting your content on VEVO, you may enjoy higher pay rates and better promotional strategies.

Freemium Approach

Using the freemium approach, you can offer various videos for free. Nonetheless, the real catch here is that the access to premium content needs to be paid for. It’s as if the videos you upload on your YouTube channel serve as teasers. If viewers want to access premium content or purchase your product or service after watching your videos, they will be prompted to visit your “click here” links.

Banner Ads

YouTube allows you to place banner ads on your videos in order to make money from them. For as low as $1, you can already place one banner ad at the beginning of your video— a very fast and reliable method.


Branding is everything. Name recognition is important, which is why you need to strive and work your way to the top. The beginning always seems discouraging but don’t give up if you fail to get substantial view counts during your first months. Establishing your brand takes time so respect the process. Pick a particular niche that is distinct and interests you the most. Your primary goal is to become a go-to YouTuber for your niche market so make sure that you produce reliable, trustworthy, high-quality, interesting content that your target market will enjoy.